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Circular Economy

The challenges in waste management

Discover the opportunities of the circular economy as a viable alternative for organizations as a production model. We bring you the tools and new technological trends, such as blockchain and AI applied to the circular economy. Create value through responsible management and smart solutions, acquiring a commitment to efficiency, productivity and sustainable growth.


February 2023

54 h

Mon - Thur
17:00 a 20:30 h

On campus


Eva Garrell


Our main objective is to offer practical knowledge that allows you to identify opportunities for improvement in the circular model and the development of sustainability in the international, regional and local environment from its legislative and technological scope, developing the principles and capacities of its strategic application.

We offer students a space for reflection on the economic system and a practical analysis of the importance, scope and challenges of integrating the Circular Economy in organizations. Discover the tools to design corporate strategies adapted to sustainable growth from a transversal and global perspective.

We equip you with the skills needed to be more competitive and efficient in a sustainable way and face the challenges of a globalized world.


Know the impact of waste and the effects of the current economic and productive system
Know the fundamental principles, dimensions and Characteristics of the Circular Economy
Identify business opportunities arising from the recirculation of materials and waste
Analysis of the productive sectors and potential future development of a circular model
Introduction to the concept of circular cities: challenges, opportunities and advantages
Use Cases in the application of new technologies in the Circular Economy: blockchain and artificial intelligence
Learn about good practices and sustainable future trends

Why it’s important

Sources of interest:
Euromonitor – Global trends 2022
Plan de acción de economía circular. UE y España

+ NGEU Funds

Next Generation aid for sustainable economies that are committed to decarbonization and EC

158M € financing

EEEC plan to implement the circular economy in private companies

78% professionals

They believe that climate change will modify behaviours, needs and preferences

⬆ Commitment

Among new generations for sustainable consumption

20% foods

Almost a quarter of the food produced in the EU is wasted

3.400M €

In income, generated from the recycling of 19.8 kg per person per year

45% investment

It is intended for waste management in Spain, and favors the foundations of a circular model

Who is it for?

The Program is focused on:

Professionals and university graduates who aspire to assume new responsibilities regarding environmental management in organizations, minimize their impact on climate change and discover opportunities for innovation in business models to obtain a lasting competitive advantage.

  • Department Managers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Junior and senior consultants
  • environmental technicians
  • Responsible for the creation and design of sustainable policies and plans
  • You are interested in sustainability and need to identify strategies and tools.

Do you need more information?

    CSO Chief Sustainability OfficerMarketing Digital VerdeSostenibilidad y estrategia empresarialEconomía CircularLa huella de la Empresa en el Medioambiente

    Responsable del tratamiento: TALENTEA RECRUITMENT, S.L.
    Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestionar las consultas planteadas y, si nos autoriza, el envío de newsletters, comunicaciones comerciales y promociones.
    Legitimación del tratamiento: Interés legítimo y consentimiento del interesado/a.
    Conservación de los datos: Se conservarán mientras exista un interés mutuo o durante el tiempo necesario para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones legales.
    Destinatarios: Prestadores de servicio o colaboradores.
    Derechos: Derecho a retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento. Derecho de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y supresión de sus datos y a la limitación u oposición al su tratamiento.
    Datos de contacto para ejercer sus derechos:
    Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional en nuestra Política de Privacidad.


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    Circular Economy course

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