CSO Chief Sustainability Officer
The highest executive representative of sustainability within organizations. Get ahead of the needs of the future and become the key figure in the design of strategies and promoter of plans and actions with a positive impact.
Feruary 2023
Language: Spanish/Catalan
Modality: On campus
Hours: 120
Green Digital Marketing
Train yourself to attract the growing demand of a new generation of more responsible and demanding consumers. Discover how to communicate a differential value and exceed the expectations of much more and better informed consumers.
Feruary 2023
Language: Spanish/Catalan
Modality: On campus
Hours: 54
Sustainability and business strategy
Discover the business opportunities aligned to a corporate strategy that takes into account the SDGs and sustainable development. It is not about a legal obligation, but about being more competitive and resilient.
Feruary 2023
Language: Spanish/Catalan
Modality: On campus
Hours: 36