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The new heroines of cybersecurity

Pioneer programme to succeed in the professional world. The objective is to introduce women at all stages of their careers to the world of cybersecurity.

A Programme in collaboration with microsoft-talentea-curso-mamahackers


February 2023

120 h

Mon - Thur
17:30 a 20:30 h

On campus


Eva Garrell


Enter a High-Growth Field. New digital work environments require constant learning to address digital transformation. Mamahackers is a STEM and STEAM course with greater employability and a low unemployment rate. The objective is to introduce women at all stages of their careers to the world of cybersecurity.

We train you for the intelligent and safe use of digital software, analysing sensitive points, detecting intrusion and maintaining information security from a transversal perspective. Mamahackers supports you in developing skills such as problem-resolution techniques, professional ethics practices and managerial communication.

A program designed to empower women to undertake and recycle their professional profiles towards professions with high demand and emerging, with flexible hours and professional practice through telecommuting.

Our will is to reduce the barriers to access for women to access positions with digital skills, in the difficulty of reconciling work and professional life and promote the role of women in the digital revolution.


Increase the employability of women without technological training in emerging professions
Provide basic knowledge about components, networks, operating systems and programming
Provide knowledge and skills to deal with information security risks and cyber attacks
Training to carry out incident response, solution and mitigation of problems

Why it’s important

Sources of interest:
Cybersecurity Workforce Report: Women in Cybersecurity
Observa Ciber 2022
Hiscox, Ciberpreparación 2022
Cloud Security Report 2022
PWC, Global Digital Trust Insights 2022

+60.000 jobs

Demand for cybersecurity talent

35% women

Lack of female role models in STEM careers

50.000€ per year

Salary range in Spain between 30k and 50k €

Family conciliation

Teleworking as the predominant modality

+60% choose it

Bootcamp and training in cybersecurity

+46% companies

Recycling and training internal talent

Who is it for?

This program is for you if:

You are a woman with a transversal vision of the business. You want to reorient and/or recycle your career and train yourself in cybersecurity through practical and intensive training.


  • Thrive within the company
  • Expand job opportunities
  • Inspire future generations
  • Lead technological change
  • Fight cybercrime and cybercriminals

Do you need more info?

    MamahackersCiberseguridadCiberseguridad en el cloudHacking Ético

    Responsable del tratamiento: TALENTEA RECRUITMENT, S.L.
    Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestionar las consultas planteadas y, si nos autoriza, el envío de newsletters, comunicaciones comerciales y promociones.
    Legitimación del tratamiento: Interés legítimo y consentimiento del interesado/a.
    Conservación de los datos: Se conservarán mientras exista un interés mutuo o durante el tiempo necesario para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones legales.
    Destinatarios: Prestadores de servicio o colaboradores.
    Derechos: Derecho a retirar el consentimiento en cualquier momento. Derecho de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y supresión de sus datos y a la limitación u oposición al su tratamiento.
    Datos de contacto para ejercer sus derechos:
    Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional en nuestra Política de Privacidad.


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